Email to faculty and staff from Kayla Driscoll (Assistant to the Chair)
Open meetings to discuss the prototype organizational chart
Hi Everyone,
Judith recently sent out a message regarding the process for providing input on the prototype organizational chart.
If you hold a regular meeting during which you would like the prototype chart discussion to be held, please let me know when those meetings will take place. I will work with Judith to arrange the ideal moment for us to come your meeting.
In addition, anyone is welcome to join a discussion of the prototype chart at the following times.
All discussion meetings will take place in room 1129, from 12-1pm.
Open Meeting Dates:
December: 17th, 18th, 21st
January: 15th, 16th, 18th, 23rd, 24th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st
Feel free to bring your lunch!
The feedback that is given at these meetings will be passed on to Judith, the Finance Committee and our Consultant Darin Harris for further discussion.