Email to faculty & staff
From Judith Burstyn, Chair <>
Subject: Dept ReOrg Update: ReOrg Leadership Team
As I stated in my June 5 update, I have assembled a team to lead the reorganization implementation process. Beginning this summer and continuing until we have stabilized our new structure, the ReOrg Leadership Team will guide the process of implementing our department’s reorganization plan.
This team will be focused on the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the department, as well as on ensuring that the jobs we are asking our people to do are as health-promoting as possible. That is, we will strive to design jobs that are fulfilling, with reasonable demands and sufficient support.
Part of the charge of the leadership team is to systematically share information and solicit input from the department to address your concerns and to ensure your insights inform the process as we go.
The ReOrg Leadership Team members are senior leaders in the department and all will serve on the 2019-2020 Finance Committee. Moving forward, the Finance Committee will consist of the chair, the associate chairs, the department manager and two at-large faculty members. The Finance Committee, the Department Committee and the Executive Committee continue to serve as the decision-making bodies for all department business, including the reorganization.
The members of the ReOrg Leadership Team are:
- Judith Burstyn (current chair)
- Pat Egan (department manager & Director of Administration)
- Clark Landis (incoming chair & transitional Associate Chair for Undergraduate Program)
- Matt Sanders (current executive director, position slated for elimination upon Matt’s retirement)
- Jim Weisshaar (former chair & transitional Associate Chair for Research)
- Steve Burke (current chair of Graduate Curriculum Committee & transitional Associate Chair for Graduate Program)
- Thomas Brunold (current chair of General Chemistry & transitional Director of Undergraduate Instruction)
I will continue to share periodic updates about the reorganization process via email, and my messages will be posted in chronological order on our department INTRANET at…. As documents are created, I will make them available through Box in this folder: Right now, only the most recent edition of the proposed Org Chart is in that folder.
How to get involved: We welcome your questions and feedback through our anonymous electronic suggestion box: The ReOrg Leadership Team will be added as one of the groups to which suggestions may be directed. You may also send non-anonymous suggestions directly to the leadership team members by email.
As we move forward, the Reorganization Team will host open meetings to talk about the proposed changes and solicit questions and feedback. I will email the dates as they are scheduled, and they will be posted on the project INTRANET site.