Requests due 6/30: Volunteer opportunities available for department service committees

If you would like to volunteer to serve on a specific committee, if you are happy to continue to serve on a committee, or if you would like to be removed from a committee, please let incoming department chair Clark Landis know. 

Graduate students or postdocs who are interested in serving on committees should contact the GSFLC leaders, Peyton Higgins and Brandon Hacha. The GSFLC is coordinating the nominations of students for departmental committees, and you should have received messages from Peyton and Brandon to this effect. If you want to serve on a committee and you have not responded to Peyton and Brandon, please do so now.

Faculty or staff may send committee requests to Clark, copied to Kayla Driscoll.

A complete list of the 2020-2021 committees and their 2020-2021 representation may be found here: Committees associated with the undergraduate program may change.

Please send your requests by June 30.

While there’s no way to guarantee all requests will be honored, Clark will do his best to match interests to department needs.