Call for Leadership Council Agenda items

Please let Kayla Driscoll know if you have items for discussion at an upcoming Leadership Council meeting.

LC Meetings:

  • Tuesday, October 19: discussion items due by Monday, October 18 at 11 a.m. to be considered for the agenda.
  • Tuesday, November 2: discussion items due by Monday, November 1 at 11 a.m. to be considered for the agenda.

This timing will enable the Leadership Council, formerly known as the Finance Committee, to consider such items for inclusion on the November 9 Department Meeting agenda.

Agenda items are typically brought forward by committees. Some items, most notably those involving commitment of department financial resources, require prior action by the Leadership Council. Individuals are welcome to make suggestions, and such suggestions will be considered by the Chair.

We are in the process of making adjustments to the 2021-22 Committees list, the list can be found in the Department Box Folder, and we are working on updating the Governance page on the Intranet.