Chad Wilkinson
Position title: Gen Chem Lab Director
Phone: 608.263.4851
Room 1317A, Department of Chemistry
1101 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706
- B.S. 1999, Baylor University
- Ph.D. 2005, Texas A&M University
Research Description:
My role in the department is to provide direction for all aspects of the general and inorganic chemistry laboratories. This includes training teaching assistants, organizing semester experiment schedules, and development of new experiments to advance our curriculum. I assist faculty with incorporating the laboratory experience of students into their lecture material.
Laboratory development has led to experiments introduced to students that are unique to UW-Madison. Examples include the determination of 210Po in cigarette tobacco and the use of computational software to compare and contrast VSEPR theory with molecular orbital theory. Something new is always in the works as my colleagues and I strive to bring interesting and cutting-edge experiences to students that will be beneficial to their future careers.