Chemistry Account

The department has its own computer accounts for some network resources. We are working to switch to the WiscAccount (NetID) for all authentication. To make the future transition easier, your Chemistry username is the same as your NetID for all new accounts. The HR staff creates an account for you when you join the department as member of the faculty, staff, or as a graduate student. For undergraduate researchers, your PI can request a Chemistry account by contacting CompHelp. To set your password, visit If you are setting the password for the first time, or have forgotten the old one, you can use the Email tab, and enter your Chemistry username to get an email with a reset link.

The resources which still use the Chemistry account include:

  • The departmental VPN portal. (Waiting on 2FA team.)
  • The Kestrel HPC cluster.

The resources which now use NetID authentication include:

  • The departmental file servers: chemistryfs3 and chemfiles.
  • The rooms reservation, XRD and MassSpec calendars.
  • NMR instruments: Artemis, Callisto, Eos, Nyx, Persephone and Phoebe.
  • MediaWiki sites.
  • Research group file servers.
  • Department-hosted group web sites.
  • The Aestiva purchasing system.
  • All campus-provided computer resources.