(File server information moved here.)
Data Wall Jacks
The Matthews and Daniels wings have more data wall jacks installed than available ports on the network switches installed by campus data services. Thus, not all jacks are active. If you need to activate a jack in order to connect a device via Ethernet, please send a message to CompHelp with your request, and include the full jack ID number (e.g. 9379-DB120), and the room number in which it is located.
Personal Devices
For security reasons, personal devices should not be connected to the building ethernet network. If you need to access department resources from your own computer, please connect to the UWNet or EduRoam Wi-Fi networks, and use the Chemistry VPN portal. The VPN portal enforces some security measures, including requiring supported operating system versions, with security updates enabled.
VPN Access
Access to the campus network from elsewhere on the Internet works through the GlobalProtect VPN. See the article WiscVPN – How to Install, Connect, Uninstall, and Disconnect WiscVPN Palo Alto GlobalProtect for information how to install it, and links to the software download for most platforms. The department has its own portal at chemistry.vpn.wisc.edu, to which you can log in with your Chemistry Account.
The Div. of Information Technology (DoIT) provides the Wi-Fi services for all campus buildings, including in the Chemistry complex. The ‘UWNet’ SSID is an unencrypted connection available to anyone with a valid NetID. For greater security, DoIT recommends using the WiscVPN service on UWNet. The ‘eduroam’ SSID is an encrypted connection available to anyone with login credentials from any participating eduroam institution around the world.