Sarah T. Eckersley

Credentials: Corporate Partner, Representing The Dow Chemical Company


Phone: 610.244.7957

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Sarah Eckersley is the global director of R&D and TS&D for Coating Materials, Monomers & Plastics Additives for The Dow Chemical Company. Sarah is responsible for the development and delivery of innovations aligned to business strategy. She collaborates with marketing and commercial organizations to identify high-value initiatives for growth and profitability. Sarah is passionate about developing technology that is relevant to the marketplace.

Sarah also held positions as the global R&D director for Pharma & Food Solutions and global R&D director for Performance Packaging in Performance Plastics. Sarah joined Dow on the Research Assignments program in 1993.

Sarah earned chemical engineering degrees from the University of Ottawa (B.A.Sc. 1986) and the University of Waterloo (Ph.D. 1992, PostDoc 1993), completed a Young Executives Residency from the UNC Kenan Flagler Business School (2001), and Women on Corporate Boards Program at Harvard Business School (2018).  She is co-author of 25 peer reviewed publications and inventor on 6 issued U.S. patents.  Twice, she has received the Roon Foundation Award, a premier recognition from the coatings industry.

Sarah is married to Bruce; a fellow Dow chemical engineer and they have a daughter Isabel who is a chemical engineering undergraduate student.  Sarah enjoys making jewelry, needlecraft, yoga and travel.